CATSA's Board of Directors is made up of eleven directors, including the chairperson, appointed by the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport. Of the current eleven directors, two are nominated by the airline industry and two by the airport industry.
The Board has responsibility for the overall stewardship of CATSA. It has a duty to protect the long-term interests of the corporation, safeguard CATSA's assets and to practice due diligence in its decision-making. The Board's key functions and responsibilities are to provide strategic direction, financial oversight, corporate oversight and good governance.
The Board has adopted a Code of Conduct and Ethical Behaviour for Directors in order to enhance public confidence and trust in the integrity, objectivity and impartiality of CATSA.
Permanent Committees
CATSA's Board has two permanent committees with distinct mandates and terms of reference:
- The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to financial reporting, continuous disclosure practices, risk management, internal controls, the audit process and other oversight responsibilities.
Read the Audit Committee Terms of Reference
- The Governance, Human Resources and Pension Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to governance issues including areas such as: human resources and compensation, management succession plans, oversight of policies and processes relating to employee business conduct and ethical behaviour, recommendations and evaluation of annual objectives for the President and CEO, oversight responsibilities with respect to the management and administration of the employee pension plan(s) and any other matter assigned to it by the Board.
Read the Governance, Human Resources and Pension Committee Terms of Reference
Due in large measure to the commitment and dedication of the Board, CATSA is a solid, credible partner in Canadian air transport security and is well positioned to achieve its vision to be a world leader in air transportation security through operational and corporate excellence.
Board Members
Thao Pham
Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs, (QC)
Ex-officio member of all Board committees
Rosemary Capparelli
Director – nominee of the National Airlines Council of Canada (NACC)
Kirkland, QC
Audit Committee
Jennifer Sullivan
Director - nominee of the Canadian Airports Council (CAC)
Springwater, ON
Governance, Human Resources and Pension Committee
Patricia Anne Kennedy
Director - nominee of the Air Transport Association of Canada (ATAC)
Delta, BC
Governance, Human Resources and Pension Committee; Audit Committee
Gilles Lalonde
Gatineau, QC
Audit Committee
Sharon Duggan
Conception Bay South, NL
Governance, Human Resources and Pension Committee - Chair; Audit Committee
Diane Trenn
Director - nominee of the Canadian Airports Council (CAC)
Edmonton, AB
Governance, Human Resources and Pension Committee; Audit Committee - Chair
Ken Chan
Toronto, ON
Michael Maxwell
Calgary, AB
Andrew Loschmann
Ottawa, ON
Theresa Redburn