Liquids, Aerosols and Gels (LAGs) Bags

If you are a travel agent or travel representative, you may order our 1L clear, resealable plastic bags for liquids, aerosols and gels to give to your clients. The bags and shipping costs are covered by CATSA.
The bags come with our Breeze through security. Be screening ready! brochure inside.
Please complete the order form found here.
Printable Infographics to Provide to your Clients

1) How to Properly Pack Your Bags
A downloadable and printable infographic (PDF) that explains:
- What can or should go inside a carry-on bag
- The liquids, aerosols and gels 100 ml rule and 1L bag requirement

2) Go Through Security Screening Stress-Free
A downloadable and printable infographic (PDF) that describes:
- How to be prepare yourself before heading to security screening
- What goes in the bins at the checkpoint
- What items might set off the alarm at the walk-through metal detector

3) How to Travel With Respiratory Devices
A downloadable and printable infographic (PDF) that describes:
- How to pack respiratory devices before heading to security screening
- How to keep respiratory devices and their attachments sterile during screening
- How to travel with distilled water for use with your device
Quick Links
Travellers can access travel information through our website to:
- Check wait times at security screening checkpoints in major Canadian airports.
- Search if an item belongs in carry-on baggage or in checked baggage.
- Find information for families and passengers with special needs to help them get through airport security screening quickly and easily.
- Create a travel checklist to help pack a carry-on bag or a checked bag. Find out about security restrictions on various items.
- Provide feedback about passenger's experience at security screening.
- Access CATSA's social media accounts, including Twitter, where users can tweet CATSA directly with their questions.