Table 1: Results for the Implementation of CATSA’s Mandate

The following table identifies key performance indicators (KPIs), which correspond to the organization’s performance in the management of its mandated operations. These KPIs are reported to the Senior Management Committee and the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis for oversight and management of the organization’s performance.


Given the sensitivity of this performance category and its associated results, this data cannot be included in a public document.


Performance measure Target 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Comments

Wait Time Service Level (WTSL)

(All Periods)

85.0 %


91.6% 88.6% 95.2%

In 2023/24, 95.2% of passengers waited less than 15 minutes to be screened, which is notably above the annual target of 85%.

Passengers Screened 25.1M 57.1 M 66.6 M
Definition: WTSL is the percentage of passengers who waited less than 15 minutes to be screened at Class 1 airports, on an annual basis.


Performance measure Target 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Comments
Security Screening Procedures 96.0% 94.8% 95.1% 95.1% Overall, CATSA’s result remained steady. The organization works with screening contractors to maintain a high level of performance.
Definition: The evaluation by performance officers of screening officer performance according to Standard Operating Procedures and regulations related to Canada’s eight busiest airports.

In the Public Interest

Performance measure Target 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Comments
Overall Experience 85.0% 89.4% 85.9% 90.8% CATSA concluded 2023/24 with an overall experience rating of 90.8%, which is well above the target of 85%.
Definition: Overall experience is the measure of passenger perception with their overall screening experience, based on passenger intercept surveys conducted at Class 1 airports.

Table 2: Results for CATSA’s Corporate Objectives

The following table identifies CATSA’s key performance indicators and key statistics, which correspond to the organization’s performance in the pursuit of its main corporate objectives.

A. Service Excellence

Given the sensitivity of this performance category and its associated results, this data cannot be included in a public document.

Performance measure Comments
Effectiveness Given the sensitivity of this performance category and its associated results, this data cannot be included in a public document.
Screening Efficiency See Table 1 - Efficiency
Passenger Experience See Table 1 – In the Public Interest
Performance measure Target 2023/24 Comments
Availability of Screening Equipment 99.63% 99.65% Screening equipment availability exceeded the target in 2023/24.
Definition: The percentage availability for all major screening technology platforms at Class 1 airports calculated as the overall average of: average by platform, by month of [(Available time – Unscheduled outages) / Available time].
National Screening Officer Attrition Rate N/A 25.8% The national attrition rate decreased by 20.6% since 2022/23. Attrition is highest among part-time screening officers and new recruits. The attrition rate for full-time screening officers was 12.7%.
The percentage of screening officers who have departed for the following reasons: resignations, death, or termination.
National Training and Certification Program Success Rate 90% 89.6% Although slightly below target, the national training and certification success rate was the highest it has been in two years.
The success rate of screening officer candidates on the Screening Officer Foundations (SOF), and Computed Tomography (CT) courses.
Screening officer hiring targets N/A On track to meet targets At March 31, 2024, CATSA exceeded its total targeted headcounts for Class 1 airports, and was on track to meet the summer 2024 staffing targets at airports across the country.
Screening officer hiring targets vary by region and by airports authority. Through collaboration with Transport Canada, screening contractors, and airport authorities, CATSA will establish adequate screening officer staffing levels that can achieve the wait time service level targets.

B. Diverse And Engaged Workforce

Inclusive and Diverse Environment

Performance measure Target 2023/24 Comments
Turnover distribution by designated groups Women: 45.8% Women: 37.5%

This performance measure monitors whether members of designated groups left CATSA at rates disproportionate to their overall workforce representation at the start of each fiscal year. CATSA strives to maintain and increase representation of these demographic groups. 

In 2023/24, CATSA has largely achieved its targets for retaining employees in all designated groups, with the exception of visible minorities. Within the visible minorities group, an increase of one additional voluntary departure is reflected.

Persons with disabilities: 1.8% Persons with disabilities: 0.0%
Indigenous peoples: 2.0% Indigenous peoples: 0.0%
Members of visible minorities: 21.7% Members of visible minorities: 25.0%
Definition: The distribution of members of a designated group (women, Indigenous peoples, members of visible minorities, and persons with disabilities) among indeterminate and fixed term employees who left voluntarily, excluding students.
Workforce demographics Women: 48.2% Women: 44.4% In 2023/24, CATSA experienced an increase in workforce representation in three out of the four designated groups; there was a 0.6% decrease among women. In 2024/25, CATSA will further its efforts to further reduce the underrepresentation of the applicable designated groups.
CATSA’s Employment Equity Plan details strategies for awareness and to promote and retain employees of designated groups. Data is collected on a voluntary basis from CATSA employees.
Persons with disabilities: 9.1% Persons with disabilities: 3.4%
Indigenous peoples: 4.0% Indigenous peoples: 2.6%
Members of visible minorities: 21.3% Members of visible minorities: 24.4%
Definition: Representation rates of a designated group (women, Indigenous peoples, members of visible minorities, and persons with disabilities) among indeterminate and fixed term employees, with the exclusion of employees on long-term disability and students.
Effective use of both Official Languages in CATSA workplaces 75.0% 66.4% This metric remained consistent with 2022/23, with a slight decline of 0.1%. In 2022/23, CATSA relaunched its second language training program with phased improvements that are ongoing in the areas of training enrollment and testing. An overall review of the Official Languages Program, including training, will be finalized in 2024/25.
Definition: The percentage of fixed-term and indeterminate employees that meet the language requirements in positions designated as bilingual.

Employee Engagement and Support

Performance measure Target 2023/24 Comments
Employee Satisfaction Stable or upward trend 87% Almost 9 in 10 (87%) employees who completed the touchpoint survey in July 2023 indicated they are satisfied with their job, consistent with the previous survey results.
Definition: Through employee surveys, CATSA employees have the opportunity to provide comments and feedback, share ideas and ask questions of senior management.
Absenteeism 12 days/
9.5 The absenteeism rate has remained stable since 2022/23.
Definition: Average number of work days missed due to illness by indeterminate employees during the year. Illness includes days taken on short-term disability but does not include long-term disability.
Annual Attrition Rate 8.0 % 4.9 % In light of the current labour market, CATSA’s attrition rate has improved from the 7.9% seen in 2022/23.
Definition: The percentage of indeterminate and fixed-term employees who left the organization voluntarily.

Transformative Leadership

Performance measure Target Comments
Active support of creative approaches to continuous improvement, innovation and collaboration N/A
  • In May 2023, CATSA launched the Verified Traveller (VT) Program. By August 2023, CATSA had deployed VT at eight airports with the benefit of reducing divesting time, thereby facilitating a more streamlined screening experience for eligible travellers.
  • Developing short and medium length CATSA Plus lines; these modified lines will support airports with more limited physical space, and will provide the means for individuals travelling from smaller airports to receive an improved travel experience.
  • CATSA issued a Request for Information (RFI) from vendors that provide solutions that could gather wait time data with sensor technology. In 2024/25, CATSA will explore the potential use of sensor technologies.
  • Deployment of the new UV-C sanitization system for enhanced cleaning of bins for CATSA Plus lines began in fall 2023. Deployments will continue into 2024/25.
  • Other examples are provided throughout the report.

C. Effective Partnerships

Industry and Government Collaboration

Performance measure Target Comments
Establishment and maintenance of relationships between CATSA, industry, and the Government of Canada, to advance common interests N/A
  • As part of the new Airport Screening Services Agreements, the new bilingual facilitator positions will improve accessibility by facilitating passengers, who may require additional assistance, throughout the pre-board screening process. The new agreements also contain improved oversight to ensure expected performance of contractors, including new requirements to strengthen the passenger experience.
  • In addition to numerous other engagements, CATSA participated in the April 2023 Canada-U.S. Passenger Journey Roundtable / Future Borders Coalition working session, which focused on building consistency in the passe to support a positive end-to-end journey.
  • Among many engagements with industry partners, CATSA has actively contributed to the monthly Aviation Recovery Operations Committee on data sharing and increased accountability.
  • In November 2023, Statistics Canada launched the monthly issue of the “Screened passenger traffic at Canadian airports”; these monthly reports use CATSA data to generate analysis of trends and changes in aviation.
  • Other examples are provided throughout the report.

Community Relations

Performance measure Target Comments
Prioritize information, outreach, collaboration and cooperation in order to improve the delivery of a positive traveller experience N/A
  • By December 31, 2023, over 95% of screening officers and 98% of screening contractor supervisors completed CATSA’s new Indigenous Cultural Awareness Learning Program, which represents over 7500 employees of screening contractors. In addition, 94% of CATSA employees, as well as senior management and the Board of Directors, completed the in person learning.
  • In 2023/24, CATSA engaged disability advocacy organizations and persons with lived experience to improve operations and training, and continue ongoing improvements to accessibility.
  • CATSA has been progressing on commitments made in its Accessibility Plan. Contracts with new screening providers took effect on April 1, 2024. The introduction of a new facilitator role to assist passengers with disabilities will follow the initial transition period.
  • In December 2023, CATSA published its annual Accessibility Plan Progress Report. Furthermore, the consultation process for the progress report provided advocacy organizations, employees, and screening officers, an opportunity to share input.
  • The new Airport Screening Services Agreements incorporate lessons learned from the pandemic, prioritize accessibility for travellers, and enhance monitoring of workforce demographics and official language commitments.
  • Transport Canada’s International Benchmarking indicated that CATSA is highly efficient, given the physical space within which it operates.
  • Other examples are provided throughout the report.