For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023

(In thousands of Canadian dollars)

1.  Corporate Information

CATSA is a Crown corporation listed under Part I, Schedule III of the Financial Administration Act and is an agent of His Majesty in right of Canada. CATSA is responsible for securing specific elements of the air transportation system, from passenger and baggage screening, to screening airport workers.

CATSA is funded by parliamentary appropriations and accountable to Parliament through the Minister of Transport. In prior years, CATSA provided screening services on a cost recovery basis to certain designated and non-designated airports. There are currently no arrangements in place for CATSA to provide services on a cost recovery basis.

These condensed interim financial statements have been authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors on November 22, 2023.

 2.  Basis of preparation

The condensed interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Section 131.1 of the Financial Administration Act and International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting (IAS 34) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and approved by the Accounting Standards Board of Canada.

Section 131.1 of the Financial Administration Act requires that most parent Crown corporations prepare and make public quarterly financial reports in compliance with the Treasury Board of Canada’s Directive on Accounting Standards: GC 5200 Crown Corporations Quarterly Financial Report. These condensed interim financial statements have not been audited or reviewed by CATSA’s external auditor.

As permitted by IAS 34, these interim financial statements are presented on a condensed basis and therefore do not include all necessary disclosures to conform, in all material respects, with IFRS disclosure requirements applicable to annual financial statements. These condensed interim financial statements are intended to provide an update on the latest complete set of audited annual financial statements. Accordingly, they should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2023.

 3.  Summary of significant accounting policies

Significant accounting policies used in these condensed interim financial statements are disclosed in note 3 of CATSA’s audited annual financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2023, and the condensed interim financial statements for the three months ended June 30, 2023.

 4.  Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables are comprised of:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) September 30, 2023 March 31, 2023
Parliamentary appropriations (note 17)  $              124,566  $              120,464
GST and HST recoverable                    10,707                     7,396
PST recoverable                     1,665                     1,617
 $              136,938  $              129,477

 5. Inventories

Inventories are comprised of:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) September 30, 2023 March 31, 2023
Spare parts  $                10,560  $                  9,822
RAIC                        394                        780
Uniforms                          90                        817
 $                11,044  $                11,419

 6. Property and equipment

A reconciliation of property and equipment is as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) PBS equipment HBS equipment NPS equipment RAIC equipment Computers, integrated software and electronic equipment Office furniture and equipment Leasehold improve-
Work-in-progress Total
Balance, March 31, 2022  $  162,849  $  658,011  $    20,722  $     3,989  $    28,932  $        129  $    10,113  $    14,543  $  899,288
Additions            709         2,714 -            194            437 -            803         8,048       12,905
Disposals        (5,745)        (5,134) -             (95)        (1,494)             (11)        (2,937) -      (15,416)
Write-offs        (1,318)           (280) -           (756)           (485) - -              (7)        (2,846)
Impairments - - - -            292 - -              98            390
Reclassifications         6,699         3,574 - -            511 -              30      (10,814) -
Balance, March 31, 2023  $  163,194  $  658,885  $    20,722  $     3,332  $    28,193  $        118  $     8,009  $    11,868  $  894,321
Balance, March 31, 2023  $  163,194  $  658,885  $    20,722  $     3,332  $    28,193  $        118  $     8,009  $    11,868  $  894,321
Additions            373         1,084 -              54              16 -              93         6,856         8,476
Disposals - - - -           (228) -           (188) -           (416)
Write-offs           (299) - -             (98)           (399) -             (18) -           (814)
Reclassifications         2,308         3,314 - -            512 -            199        (6,333) -
Balance, September 30, 2023  $  165,576  $  663,283  $    20,722  $     3,288  $    28,094  $        118  $     8,095  $    12,391  $  901,567
Accumulated depreciation
Balance, March 31, 2022  $  115,612  $  342,894  $    15,973  $     2,853  $    19,608  $          95  $     9,527  $             -   $  506,562
Depreciation         5,027       29,399            590            356         2,966              24            363       38,725
Disposals        (5,745)        (5,134) -             (95)        (1,491)             (11)        (2,937)      (15,413)
Write-offs        (1,300)           (258) -           (756)           (494) - -        (2,808)
Balance, March 31, 2023  $  113,594  $  366,901  $    16,563  $     2,358  $    20,589  $        108  $     6,953 $             -   $  527,066
Balance, March 31, 2023  $  113,594  $  366,901  $    16,563  $     2,358  $    20,589  $        108  $     6,953  $             -   $  527,066
Depreciation         2,626       14,990            327            175         1,509              10            197       19,834
Disposals - - - -           (228) -           (185)           (413)
Write-offs           (297) - -             (98)           (386) -             (18)           (799)
Balance, September 30, 2023  $  115,923  $  381,891  $    16,890  $     2,435  $    21,484  $        118  $     6,947  $             -   $  545,688
Carrying amounts
As at March 31, 2023  $    49,600  $  291,984  $      4,159  $        974  $      7,604  $          10  $     1,056  $    11,868  $  367,255
As at September 30, 2023  $    49,653  $  281,392  $      3,832  $        853  $      6,610  $           -    $     1,148  $    12,391  $  355,879

 7. Intangible assets

A reconciliation of intangible assets is as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Externally acquired software Internally developed software Under development Total
Balance, March 31, 2022  $              10,843  $              20,561  $                       -  $              31,404
Additions                        18                      231 -                      249
Write-offs                     (323)                     (350) -                     (673)
Balance, March 31, 2023  $              10,538  $              20,442  $                       -  $              30,980
Balance, March 31, 2023  $              10,538  $              20,442  $                       -  $              30,980
Additions                    3,162 -                      240                    3,402
Write-offs                       (16)                   (3,985) -                   (4,001)
Balance, September 30, 2023  $              13,684  $              16,457  $                  240  $              30,381
Accumulated amortization 
Balance, March 31, 2022  $                5,525  $              11,134  $                       -  $              16,659
Amortization                      787                    1,375 -                    2,162
Write-offs                     (323)                     (350) -                     (673)
Balance, March 31, 2023  $                5,989  $              12,159  $                       -  $              18,148
Balance, March 31, 2023  $                5,989  $              12,159  $                       -  $              18,148
Amortization                      356                      781 -                    1,137
Write-offs                       (14)                   (3,985) -                   (3,999)
Balance, September 30, 2023  $                6,331  $                8,955  $                       -  $              15,286
Carrying amounts
As at March 31, 2023  $                4,549  $                8,283 $                       -  $              12,832
As at September 30, 2023  $                7,353  $                7,502  $                  240  $              15,095

 8. Right-of-use assets

A reconciliation of right-of-use assets is as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Office space Data centres Total
Balance, March 31, 2022  $           15,466  $            1,103  $           16,569
Additions                   511 -                   511
Decreases                    (92) -                    (92)
Depreciation               (3,197)                  (210)               (3,407)
Balance, March 31, 2023  $           12,688  $               893  $           13,581
Balance, March 31, 2023  $           12,688  $               893  $           13,581
Additions               5,184                      -               5,184
Depreciation               (1,388)                  (105)               (1,493)
Balance, September 30, 2023  $           16,484  $               788  $          17,272

During the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, CATSA reassessed the lease term for its headquarters office space lease, which resulted in an increase to the right-of-use assets of $5,157.

 9. Employee benefits

(a) Employee benefits asset and liability

Employee benefits asset and liability recognized and presented in the Condensed Interim Statement of Financial Position are detailed as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) September 30, 2023 March 31, 2023
Employee benefits asset
Registered pension plan (RPP)  $               57,182  $              50,434
Supplementary retirement plan (SRP)                    2,223                    1,670
                  59,405                  52,104
Employee benefits liability
Other defined benefits plan (ODBP)                  (15,066)                 (16,544)
                 (15,066)                 (16,544)
Employee benefits - net asset  $               44,339  $              35,560

(b) Employee benefits costs

The elements of employee benefits costs are as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) For the three months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Defined benefit cost (income) recognized in financial performance
Current service cost  $       1,245  $     1,397  $          33  $          13  $        121  $        224  $       1,399  $     1,634
Administration costs              81              94               6               4 - -              87              98
Interest cost on defined benefit obligation         2,572         2,130              80              49            207            199         2,859         2,378
Interest income on plan assets        (3,136)        (2,625)           (100)             (82) - -        (3,236)        (2,707)
 $          762  $        996  $          19  $       (16)  $        328  $        423  $       1,109  $     1,403
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans recognized in other comprehensive income (loss)
Return on plan assets excluding interest income  $  (18,817)  $  (3,018)  $     (187)  $     (132)  $            -   $             -  $  (19,004)  $  (3,150)
Actuarial gains       28,406            848         2,328 -       31,582 -
 $       9,589  $  (3,018)  $        661  $     (132)  $     2,328  $             -  $     12,578  $  (3,150)
(Thousands of Canadian dollars) For the six months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Defined benefit cost (income) recognized in financial performance
Current service cost  $        2,491  $     2,794  $          66  $          27  $        241  $       448  $        2,798  $        3,269
Administration costs            162            188              12               8 - -            174            196
Interest cost on defined benefit obligation         5,144         4,260            160              98            414            398         5,718         4,756
Interest income on plan assets        (6,272)        (5,250)           (200)           (164) - -        (6,472)        (5,414)
 $        1,525  $     1,992  $          38  $       (31) $        655  $        846  $        2,218  $        2,807
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans recognized in other comprehensive income (loss)
Return on plan assets excluding interest income  $   (17,787)  $ (34,638)  $     (169)  $     (830)  $            -   $            -   $   (17,956)  $   (35,468)
Actuarial gains       24,549       35,655            734            707         2,016         3,490       27,299       39,852
 $        6,762  $     1,017  $        565  $     (123)  $     2,016  $     3,490  $        9,343  $        4,384

For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, CATSA recognized an expense of $282 (2022 - $240) and $623 (2022 - $513), respectively, in relation to the defined contribution component of the RPP.

(c) Significant actuarial assumptions

Assumptions used to measure the defined benefit plan assets and liabilities are reviewed and, as necessary, revised at each reporting period. This typically includes reviewing the discount rates and actual rate of return on the plan assets against rates previously estimated, to reflect the current assumptions and circumstances. Changes to actuarial assumptions result in remeasurement gains and/or losses recognized in other comprehensive income (loss).

For the three months ended September 30, 2023, remeasurement gains of $12,578 resulted from an increase in the discount rate of 80 basis points (from 4.80% at June 30, 2023 to 5.60% at September 30, 2023). This was partially offset by a lower actual rate of return on plan assets than the rate used in CATSA’s assumptions for the RPP (-6.03% actual versus 1.23% expected).

For the three months ended September 30, 2022, remeasurement losses of $3,150 resulted from a lower actual rate of return on plan assets than the rate used in CATSA’s assumptions for the RPP (-0.17% actual versus 1.00% expected).

For the six months ended September 30, 2023, remeasurement gains of $9,343 resulted from an increase in the discount rate of 70 basis points (from 4.90% at March 31, 2023 to 5.60% at September 30, 2023). This was partially offset by a lower actual rate of return on plan assets than the rate used in CATSA’s assumptions for the RPP (-4.50% actual versus 2.45% expected).

For the six months ended September 30, 2022, remeasurement gains of $4,384 resulted from an increase in the discount rate of 100 basis points (from 4.00% at March 31, 2022 to 5.00% at September 30, 2022). This was partially offset by a lower actual rate of return on plan assets than the rate used in CATSA’s assumptions for the RPP (-11.49% actual versus 2.00% expected).

(d) Employer contributions

Employer contributions paid to the defined benefit plans are as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Three months ended September 30 Six months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Employer contributions
RPP  $            1,089  $            1,639  $            1,511  $            2,635
SRP                     26 -                     26                     20
ODBP                     64                     54                   117                   108
 $            1,179  $            1,693  $            1,654  $            2,763

Total employer contributions to the defined benefit plans are estimated to be $5,306 for the year ending March 31, 2024.

10. Provisions and contingencies

Several claims, audits and legal proceedings have been asserted or instituted against CATSA. By nature, these amounts are subject to many uncertainties and the outcome of the individual matters is not always predictable. As at September 30, 2023, claims, audits and legal proceedings are not expected, individually or in the aggregate, to have a material adverse effect on the financial statements.

(a) Provisions

During the six months ended September 30, 2023, there were no provisions recorded.

(b) Contingencies – Decommissioning costs

During the six months ended September 30, 2023, there have been no material changes to contingencies related to decommissioning costs. For a description of CATSA’s decommissioning costs, refer to note 10(b) of the audited annual financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2023.

11. Lease liabilities

CATSA has leases for office space and data centres. CATSA has included extension options in the measurement of its lease liabilities when it is reasonably certain to exercise the extension option.

A reconciliation of lease liabilities is as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) September 30, 2023 March 31, 2023
Balance, beginning of period  $               14,485  $              17,236
Additions                     5,184                      511
Decreases -                       (92)
Lease payments (note 14)                    (1,061)                   (3,435)
Finance costs                       158                      265
Balance, end of period  $               18,766  $              14,485
Balance, end of period
Current $                 1,775 $                1,777
Non-current               16,991               12,708

During the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, CATSA reassessed the lease term for one of its contracts, which resulted in an increase in lease liabilities of $5,157.

CATSA recognized the following expenses not included in the measurement of the lease liabilities as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Three months ended September 30 Six months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Variable lease payments  $               307  $               670  $               779  $            1,369
Short-term leases                     33 -                     69 -
Low value leases                      8                     15                     21                     30
Other lease costs (note 13)  $               348  $               685  $               869  $            1,399

Variable lease payments include operating costs, property taxes, insurance, and other service-related costs.

For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, CATSA recognized a total cash outflow for leases of $880 (2022 - $1,698) and $1,930 (2022 - $3,418), respectively.

The following table presents the undiscounted cash flows for contractual lease obligations:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) September 30, 2023 March 31, 2023
No later than 1 year  $                  4,827  $                  4,840
Later than 1 year and no later than 5 years                    12,727                    14,221
Later than 5 years                        840                        982
 $                18,394  $                20,043

12. Deferred government funding

A reconciliation of the deferred government funding liability is as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) September 30, 2023 March 31, 2023
Deferred government funding related to operating expenses
Balance, beginning of period  $                19,253  $                18,241
Parliamentary appropriations used to fund operating expenses (note 14)                  450,611                  849,013
Parliamentary appropriations for operating expenses recognized in financial performance                 (453,723)                 (848,001)
Balance, end of period  $                16,141  $                19,253
Deferred government funding related to capital expenses
Balance, beginning of period  $              379,180  $              406,579
Parliamentary appropriations used to fund capital expenses (note 14)                    11,894                    13,016
Amortization of deferred government funding related to capital expenditures recognized in financial performance                   (20,947)                   (40,415)
Balance, end of period  $              370,127  $              379,180
Total deferred government funding, end of period  $              386,268  $              398,433

For additional information on government funding, see note 14.

13. Expenses

The Condensed Interim Statement of Comprehensive Income (Loss) presents operating expenses by program activity. The following table presents operating expenses by major expense type:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Three months ended September 30 Six months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Screening services and other related costs
Payments to screening contractors   $         190,855  $         183,706  $         378,712  $         340,457
Uniforms and other screening costs                2,820                2,716                5,987                5,385
Trace and consumables                1,527                1,443                2,447                3,606
            195,202             187,865             387,146             349,448
Equipment operating and maintenance
Equipment maintenance and spare parts              11,860              10,029              23,325              19,455
Training and certification                   291                     96                   427                   258
RAIC                   192                   307                   394                   584
             12,343              10,432              24,146              20,297
Program support and corporate services
Employee costs              16,606              16,094              34,922              32,989
Office and computer expenses                2,546                1,674                4,312                3,698
Other administrative costs 1                1,718                1,455                3,230                3,108
Professional services and other business related costs 2                1,459                2,045                3,319                4,116
Other lease costs (note 11)                   348                   685                   869                1,399
Communications and public awareness                   219                   202                   519                   365
             22,896              22,155              47,171              45,675
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation of property and equipment (note 6)                9,926                9,602              19,834              19,170
Depreciation of right-of-use assets (note 8)                   751                   903                1,493                1,792
Amortization of intangible assets (note 7)                   587                   540                1,137                1,080
             11,264              11,045              22,464              22,042
 $         241,705  $         231,497  $         480,927  $         437,462

1 Other administrative costs include insurance, network and telephone expenses, and facilities maintenance.
2  Other business related costs include travel expenses, conference fees, membership and association fees, and meeting expenses.

14. Government funding

Parliamentary appropriations approved for the fiscal year and amounts used by CATSA during the six months ended September 30 are as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) 2023 2022
Parliamentary appropriations approved for the fiscal year  $      1,029,729  $         897,221
Parliamentary appropriations used to date to fund operating expenses            (450,611)            (408,521)
Parliamentary appropriations used to date to fund capital expenditures and lease payments             (12,955)               (6,369)
Unused parliamentary appropriations  $         566,163  $         482,331

The following table reconciles parliamentary appropriations for operating expenses that were received and receivable with the amount of appropriations used:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Three months ended September 30 Six months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Parliamentary appropriations received  $           234,813  $           156,825  $           452,813  $           362,825
Amounts received related to prior periods             (124,065)               (75,858)             (117,813)               (89,625)
Parliamentary appropriations receivable              115,611              135,321              115,611              135,321
Parliamentary appropriations used to fund operating expenses (note 12)  $           226,359  $           216,288  $           450,611  $           408,521

The following table reconciles parliamentary appropriations for capital expenditures and lease payments that were received and receivable with the amount of appropriations used:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Three months ended September 30 Six months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Parliamentary appropriations received  $              5,590  $              2,916  $              5,590  $              2,916
Amounts received related to prior periods                 (3,819)                 (3,752)                 (2,651)                 (2,135)
Parliamentary appropriations receivable                  8,955                  3,569                  8,955                  3,569
Parliamentary appropriations used to fund capital expenditures (note 12)                10,726                  2,733                11,894                  4,350
Parliamentary appropriations used to fund lease payments (note 11)                     532                  1,013                  1,061                  2,019
Parliamentary appropriations used to fund capital expenditures and lease payments  $            11,258  $              3,746  $            12,955  $              6,369

15. Fair values of financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments are recorded at fair value in the Condensed Interim Statement of Financial Position. The fair values of cash, trade and other payables, and current holdbacks approximate their carrying amount due to the current nature of these instruments.

The carrying amounts and corresponding fair values of CATSA’s remaining financial assets and liabilities are as follows:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) September 30, 2023 March 31, 2023
Carrying Amount Fair Value
(Level 2)
Carrying Amount Fair Value
(Level 2)
Financial instruments measured at fair value
Derivative financial assets1  $                 24  $                 24  $                 22  $                 22
Derivative financial liabilities1 - -                     10                     10

1 The fair value is based on a discounted cash flow model based on observable inputs.

There were no transfers between levels during the six months ended September 30, 2023, or the year ended March 31, 2023.

16. Contractual commitments

During the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, there have been no material changes to CATSA’s contractual commitments, other than the usage of contracts relating to payments to screening contractors.

For a description of CATSA’s contractual commitments, refer to note 16 of the audited annual financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2023.

17. Related party transactions

CATSA had the following transactions with related parties:

(a) Government of Canada, its agencies and other Crown corporations

CATSA is wholly owned by the Government of Canada, and is under common control with other Government of Canada departments, agencies and Crown corporations. CATSA enters into transactions with these entities in the normal course of operations. These related party transactions are based on normal trade terms applicable to all individuals and corporations.

CATSA’s primary source of funding is parliamentary appropriations received from the Government of Canada. For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, government funding of $240,220 (2022 – $230,879) and $475,731 (2022 – $434,689), respectively, is recognized in the Condensed Interim Statement of Comprehensive Income (Loss), and includes parliamentary appropriations for operating expenses, parliamentary appropriations for lease payments, and amortization of deferred government funding related to capital expenditures. Parliamentary appropriations receivable of $124,566 (March 31, 2023 – $120,464), are included in trade and other receivables in the Condensed Interim Statement of Financial Position.

(b) Transactions with CATSA’s post-employment benefit plans

Transactions with the RPP, SRP and ODBP are conducted in the normal course of business. The transactions with CATSA’s post-employment benefit plans consist of contributions as disclosed in note 9. No other transactions were made during the three and six month periods.

18. Net change in working capital balances and supplementary cash flow information

The following table presents the net change in working capital balances:

(Thousands of Canadian dollars) Three months ended September 30 Six months ended September 30
2023 2022 2023 2022
Decrease (increase)  in trade and other receivables  $              4,542  $           (58,826)  $             (1,157)  $           (42,977)
Decrease in inventories                     373                     112                     375                  1,041
Decrease in prepaids                  2,464                  3,125                  2,737                  2,754
(Decrease) increase in trade and other payables                 (9,940)                70,558                  5,550                90,018
Decrease in provisions -                    (200) -                    (200)
Increase in holdbacks                        7                        2                        7                        6
Decrease in deferred government funding related to operating expenses                 (2,837)                 (3,473)                 (3,112)                 (3,958)
 $             (5,391)  $            11,298  $              4,400  $            46,684

For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, the change in trade and other receivables excludes amounts of $5,136 (2022 – $183) and $6,304 (2022 – $1,434), respectively, in relation to government funding related to capital expenditures, as these amounts relate to investing activities.

For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, the change in trade and other payables excludes amounts of $5,166 (2022 – $1,108) and $5,353 (2022 – $726), respectively, in relation to the acquisition of property and equipment and intangible assets, as these amounts relate to investing activities.

For the three and six months ended September 30, 2023, the change in holdbacks excludes amounts of $30 (2022 – $24) and $1,760 (2022 – $3), respectively, in relation to the acquisition of property and equipment, as these amounts relate to investing activities.

19. Security Screening Services Commercialization Act

As part of Budget 2019, the Government of Canada announced its intention to introduce legislation to enable the creation of an independent, not-for-profit entity, established by industry, which would assume the responsibility for aviation screening at Canada’s airports. The Security Screening Services Commercialization Act (SSSCA) received Royal Assent in June 2019. The SSSCA allows for the sale of CATSA’s assets and liabilities and the transfer of screening operations to a new Designated Screening Authority (DSA).

During the quarter, CATSA was informed that the DSA and the Government of Canada have agreed to discontinue negotiations regarding the sale. CATSA will continue to execute its mandate, realize its assets, and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.